How to Stop Emotional Eating it is Killing You (Part2)

Stop Emotional Eating

6 Proven Strategies to Help You Stop Emotional Eating

(Part 2 Click Here for Part 1)

Identify What Makes it Happen

Being self-aware is a big challenge and yet a vital step if you want to be successful to stop emotional eating. For the most part, you just go through life not thinking much about how you do things or what kind of emotional impact it has. You’re never quite sure how you got there but you are having a rough day, and suddenly you’ve polished off a 6-pack of cupcakes.

Figuring out your specific triggers is the first step to curbing compulsive eating. So the next time you feel the urge to partake in emotional eating, put off snacking and analyze what happened to make you want to indulge.

Distract Yourself

If you find that your hunger is coming from emotional distress rather than because it's lunch time, then take action to distract yourself from that feeling. Simply do anything other than giving into your craving. Many experts suggest waiting at least five minutes before giving into cravings.

Emotional hunger comes on very suddenly and leads to mindless eating. Give yourself a chance to analyze your feelings and make a different choice before you begin snacking. The craving might not necessarily go away, but five minutes of reflection will help you react more rationally about your next move.

Learn Coping Strategies

Stop Emotional Eating

Just distracting yourself from your emotional hunger will help for a while, but learning to cope with the base feelings that make you want to overeat in the first place is the only real solution. Emotional eating often comes from a particular stressor in your life.

People typically associate stress with a full schedule or a taxing job, but stress comes in many forms. Sure, it could be job-related, but loneliness, jealousy, anger, worry, and other uncomfortable feelings also qualify. Thus learning to cope with your individual stressor will help you get emotional eating under control.

Of course, there are no catch-all solutions. Each situation is different, and as a result, each solution will differ from individual to individual. Regardless, things like exercise and eating a proper diet will reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. They will make it easier to deal with feelings regardless of their source.

Getting support from a social circle or support group is crucial for coping as well. Eating is a social activity, for this reason, the food is often the focal point of get-togethers. Let your friends and family know that you struggle with emotional eating. Tell them that taking you out for cheesecake after a bad day is a nice gesture, but it would be helpful to you if you did something non-food related instead.

About Food Stress

The ironic thing about emotional eating is that the foods you eat to ease your emotions, only contribute to stress levels over time. While comfort foods do decrease feelings of anxiety initially, not getting the nutrients you need will eventually impact your physical and mental health.

Vitamin deficiencies might also be making you feel stressed. As a matter of fact, feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression have all been linked to low levels of B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Since these stress-reducing nutrients are almost exclusively found in healthy foods like oily fish, lean meats, nuts and legumes, and green leafy vegetables, a chronic stress eater might not be getting enough of them to stave off pressure. Make sure you’re eating right!

Remember that coping with stress is difficult, but most people have to deal with it. You are not alone if occasionally, or chronically you feeling overwhelmed. Emotional eating is extremely common and nothing to be ashamed of. Nor is reaching out for help to stop emotional eating and find healthy ways to deal with your underlying emotions.

Use the H.A.L.T. Acronym

stop emotional eating

In addition to all that we have covered in the quest to stop emotional eating, the H.A.L.T. acronym is an excellent way to take inventory of your emotional state quickly. Once you have identified problem areas take immediate action to fill in whatever is missing, otherwise you will end up filling it with food. For emotional eating maintenance, assess your H.A.L.T. inventory often so you can make adjustments on the fly and don't end up in crisis mode.


If you are physically or emotionally hungry, one way or another you have to deal with it. Previously we looked at the Signs of Emotional Eating to help determine if your hunger is emotional or rational. If your struggle is emotional, then consider these proven strategies when using the H.A.L.T. method.

  • Plan your meals and keep yourself nourished and emotionally stable.
  • Don't let yourself get over hungry, make sure you eat every 3 to 4 hours.
  • Find things that you can snack on that are satisfying and healthy.
  • Eat protein, fat and high fiber food to keep you feeling full longer.
  • Learn to eat smaller portions and drink water to make your stomach feel full.


Anger is the most difficult emotion to manage and control. Follow these suggestions to keep yourself from falling victim to the adverse effects of anger.

  • Remove yourself from/or the source of anger as fast as you can.
  • Breathe,  meditate, pray, go for a walk, exercise, regain your power.
  • Call a friend, find a support group, somewhere that you can connect.
  • Let go, don't keep talking and dwelling about the anger it keeps you stuck.
  • Talk to a professional or someone that knows how to deal with anger.


Loneliness is a human condition, in fact, even the most self-acclaimed introvert can benefit from companionship. Often it can do wonders for your peace of mind. Consider these points when looking at whether or not loneliness is feeding your desire to eat emotionally and then take action.

  • How is your relationship with your family and how long since you got together?
  • Connect with healthy friends, go for coffee, plan to hang out again.
  • Find a support group, check your local church or community center.
  • Go on a date with your spouse, love interest or best friend without the kids.


Stop Emotional Eating

This is so important. Get adequate sleep. Do not let this one get away on you. If you have a bad night or you are out late then make sure you take the time to recover and catch up on your rest. If you are sick, then stop what you are doing and get rest. The quicker you learn how to manage this area of your life then the more balanced you will feel and the easier your life will be, period.

  • Get 7 to 8 hours sleep a night and go to bed and get up at the same times.
  • Get extra rest on weekends.Take a vacation but not Vegas, try a retreat or spa.
  • Stop bad habits or behaviors and friendships that are draining your energy.
  • Stop fighting with people. Step back and let go. Find peace.

Ask For Help

Emotional eating, as well as other eating disorders, can be deeply rooted and a huge challenge overcome. Many people struggle with food disorders, and at some point, outside help may be necessary to stop emotional eating. Please don't underestimate the harmful effects of this issue.

If you recognize that this is something that has been holding you back from achieving your weight loss and fitness goals, then please reach out. There are many support groups as well as professionals that can give you the victory you deserve.

Look at this as an exciting challenge in that this just might be the piece of the puzzle you have been searching for. Remember you are worth it and you are loved.

If you would like more information on how to find groups or the right kind of support then “PLEASE” email me now. I am a Personal Development Coach with over 25 years dealing with compulsive behaviors in my life and have had a lot of success in this area.

There is no cost to reaching out; my time is free for you. Please email me at

Thanks for reading I hope you found this article informative and educational. Please Share Like or Comment so that others can benefit from this information and you can help us to achieve our mission to reach as many people as possible with this message.

Best regards Marty


Emotional Eating Test

Over Eaters Anonomys

Food Addicts Anonomys

Recommended Reading

This is part 2 of Emotional Eating, Click Previous to read Part 1.

Stop Emotional Eating

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