Hi, your Free Report will arrive in your inbox in the next 10 sec to 3 minutes (if you don't see it check your spam folder).

But first I need Your Advice, please take 30 seconds to answer 1 question.

I know your time is valuable and this is not mandatory to get the report...but I am putting the finishing touches on a new audio-book that's all about the Leptin Hormone diet and weight loss and I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. So, will you let me know your biggest question about the Leptin Hormone and weight loss?

It could be anything...even if you think it's silly. All you have to do is type your question in the little box below and click submit. In exchange for your advice, I'll give you a free copy of the book when it's ready. (Should be a few weeks.)

I will email you my new audio-book...

Ok here is the easy form:  Please fill out this form I know that you have already entered your email but this list will be so I will know who to send my New Book to when it is completed...Thanks for your Help!